about my project

May be between winter and summer,

Somewhere you can come by,

I want to hold an exhibition of my little words about Hiroshima with your poem, art, photo, music or something unexpected.

I want you to create as you like. You may have a little interest in my words. Yon may have no interest. If you cannot understand why I'm doing this, then tell me that feeling. The important thing is the fact you have touched my words.

Gallary will probably become a theatre,or a place you sing, talk about war time, or you and I chat.

I'm sorry I cannot pay for you,

but if you are interested in this project,

I want to see what you create.

I want no one to be hurt by atomic bomb in the future. I don't want war any more.

This is my little step for peace.

Tell me your story.

My Little Words about Hiroshima × You Project


about me

Shiho Sasamoto

born in Hiroshima in 1988

studied in Hiroshima Jogakuin junior and high school which lost many girls and teachers by atomic bomb.

entered Meiji University and moved to Tokyo. took an audicion of “Anne's Diary”and have become a member of Mingei Theatre company.



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